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"nobody has this much fun without a bit of trauma!"

narrated by a cat called ritalin, 'moles' is a queer synth musical about a very complicated threesome.

drag queen stevie and their partner genny stand on the cliff of graduation, while fresher maria becomes enamoured with the couple. confused about their gender and their place in the world, maria toes the line between being the missing ingredient for genny and stevie, and their most explosive detonator.

✵ in february 2022, a (music- and choreo-free) extract from moles was selected to be a part of an LGBTQIA+ showcase at the corpus playroom in cambridge; and the full-lenghth play was later commissioned by ADC theatre.

work-in-progress of 'moles' at corpus playroom 28.02.2022.

writer/director - penn balint, stevie - perrin ford, maria - jam greenland, genny - colin hood

mood board

Source: Pinterest.

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